Thursday, July 17, 2008

i'm sorry

this is to kylee, sam, and tori. i know i have hurt them in the past month or so and i wanted to tell them that i was sorry. its ok if they don't forgive me i just wanted to let them know. i have tried really hard to change and it isn't enough. i am still working at it but it is getting better. i know that they don't invite me to lagoon with them cause they know i have to babysit but sometimes i feel like you guys don't want me to go with you and it hurts sometimes especially when you guys brag and rub it in but i know that you don't mean to. and every night when i go to sleep they are the first people i think about. and i know that even though we fight we will always be friends forever.
kylie your friend forever

Friday, June 20, 2008


Ha Ha yesterday i went to lagoon with Kylee and her aunt Amy (she is 15 so it was fun). first we went to the mall and me kylee got a new outfit and a swimming suit and so did i. after the mall we went to lagoon a beach. it was way fun but right when we were going to go on a water slide they closed it down because a guy said that he droped some glass in the pool. what kind of idiot drops glass in a pool when you aren't supposed to have glass in the first place!!! what a dumb a**!! he he! then we got ready and sent ourselves guessed it Lagoon!! (the ride part) the first ride we went on before we went to lagoon a beach was wicked, and colosus. then after lagoon a beach we went on the white roller coaster. it was fun cause when we went up the hill the guy in front of us told us not to scream, so them i told him,"i will scream as much and as loud as i can." so me amy and kylee were screaming at all the dumb and fun parts of the ride (even the end

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

hey hey people

Hey people! My name is Kylie. I like to dance, i have been dancing for about ten years now!! my best friends are Sam, Kylee, Allie, and Courtney. My favorite thing to do is hang with my friends and dance. This is my very first blog so i know this kinda sucks so sorry hopefully it will get better. he he lol!!